Wednesday, February 11, 2009

White Buffalo Calf Woman's Letter of Warning About Those Who Use the Dark Arts

White Buffalo Calf Woman's Letter of Warning About Those Who Use the Dark Arts

21st June, 2004

An anonymous, threatening letter was sent to a Cherokee elder, Darrel Whitewolf, and others, which needs special attention because it comes from people who are calling upon animal and bird totems while corrupting Native American traditions with dark arts for very dark purposes. Below is a warning message from White Buffalo Calf Woman addressing the offending letter. There is also a response from Darrel Whitewolf that addresses the offending letter. The offending letter appears at the bottom of this page.

White Buffalo Calf Woman's Letter of Warning 
About the Offending Letter

I'atoo-ka. This is it.

This is the time for Purification of your heart, mind and spirit. The Purification is in preparation for the return to the Pure Realm of the Eternal Home.

It is troubling to have to respond to this very unspiritual and threatening letter that has been sent to various ones. But, these energies must be exposed as a part of the Purification Process.

There are those who harbour jealousy, hatred, greed and vengeance in their hearts. It is these types of people who are responsible for this unspiritual letter. Unfortunately for them, they have closed themselves off from the Great Spirit of Love and Purity. Therefore, this message of Love and Friendship needs to be mixed with warnings in an effort to help those who will take heed regardless of their colours or beliefs.

Remember, when the owl of the north flew into the new moon, it turned into a venomous tarantula. When power is tainted and misused, it turns the blood black. The call of the crows has been heard and the putrid lower forces from the Lower Underworld have been summoned by those who are no warriors, for they misuse their powers to threaten others with fear and blackmail in an attempt to force them to bow to their will.

Listen to the warning of the Great Spirit. Those who arrogantly seek to control others with fear and threats of injury will quiver when the Great Spirit judges their hearts. ONLY THE GREAT SPIRIT HAS THE POWER TO JUDGE ITS OWN CREATION. The deluded fools who dare to judge in spite and ignorance based upon their own views, regardless of the situation, will themselves be judged by their own hearts. It does not matter whether they are entities from the astral world or anywhere on Earth, all will be accountable for their own actions.

Men and women with dark hearts who inflict fear and harm on others will themselves be inflicted. Those with true hearts will stand tall before the Power of the Great Spirit. Be warned, all you who call upon Darkness through incantations and ceremonies to unlock the gates of the walking dead, the troubled ancestors and the Dark entities of the Lower Underworld to do your evil bidding - once Dark forces are unleashed, they will eventually take control of the "souls" of those who summoned them.

Whether these callers of Darkness hide behind the names of Thunderbeings, Black Jaguars, Kulda or any other names - no true elders will bow to them, for these callers and their entities do not represent the Great Spirit. If these callers and entities were of the Great Spirit, they would not threaten those who choose not to follow them to the "T". Further, no beings of the Great Spirit would ever threaten non-combatant loved ones, even if they were foes. Why would the Great Spirit punish the innocent parties?

The threats by those using the names of supposedly powerful entities have exposed themselves. Of recent, many ceremonies have been performed "in the dark" under the disguise of being sacred medicine of the ancestors. True medicine passed down from the ancestors of great spirituality always carries a healing energy of Love, Compassion, Purity and Peace.

The threats and hate-filled messages from those who don Kwakutl masks as they call upon owls, crows, eagles, ravens who swim in the sea (oystercatchers) along with many animal totems to do dark deeds for them are dark attempts to pervert many beings and instil much fear. These callers are NOT of true spirituality. They are driven by jealousy, arrogance and negativity; their designs are evil.

If these callers were true and good in what they do, they would not have sent out such unloving, threatening and uncalled for warnings. After all, if they are to be believed in their boasts and representations, they themselves have broken the sacred traditions and they have perverted the sacred ceremonies of the ancestors. Those involved have tainted the ceremonies by forming alliances with the DARK ARTS and VOODOO from other lands. Yet, these same callers hypocritically insist on others being loyal to the sacred medicine of the ancestors. Some of these are shallow witches and warlocks who have profaned the sacred ceremonies and medicine - so where cometh the sacredness of which they claim?

The scavengers of the Lower World have threatened and controlled those walking dead of the Lower Underworld for a long, long time. Soon, even the trapped, pitiful walking dead and the troubled ancestors will be liberated when the scavengers of the Lower Underworld are vanquished. The wise ancestors will assist the troubled ones in time of need.

Peace Pipe is an expression of Love. War pipe is an aberration of Peace Pipe. War pipe is an expression of evil.

No war pipe is allowed to cross the mountains of Peace. No power that maliciously harms others can escape repercussions from its actions.

Three warnings have been issued by the Koka Tuka to those who summon the Dark forces to wreak havoc on those that they would terrorize. These warnings go especially to the female who has great influence upon them. The wise ancestors are not happy with those who misuse their names for evil.

Search your heart. Is it really the desire to preserve Truth and spirituality that motivates you? Or is it your burning jealousy of others and your insatiable hunger for perverted power that drives you to judge and force others to conform to your views and will? Be warned. Your dark motives have caused you to form alliances with the Shadows. Dislodge yourselves from the Shadows before it is too late for you to escape their clutches.

The misuse of power by those who intentionally inflict injuries upon the children of the Great Spirit will see their days in weeping fields of Absolute Separateness. Again, a warning is given to those who try to retaliate against anyone who does not please them. The Power of the Great Spirit and Its special representatives is far greater than any of the Shadows and their dark agents.

The Trawlers will patrol and turn the tables on the Rumblers and Thunderbeings. One step over the cross line will cause those of dark hearts many regrets and much pain. Take heed of the loving advice of the Messengers.

The Great Spirit urges you to purify your thoughts and deeds. Peace Pipe is an offering of Love.

Anything of true spirituality does not come from the Underworld. True spirituality can only come from a realm far beyond, where the Great Spirit resides. Anyone who calls on any entities from the Underworld or any recesses of the astral world does so in ignorance of the dangers of the Shadows.

There has been infiltration of the keepers by agents of Darkness associated with the ancient watchers from the sky. There has also been infiltration by those associated with the unjust controllers of the Land.

This is a message of Love even though it contains warnings.

All can choose Love and Eternal Joy in the wings of the Great Spirit. It is their freewill.

Those who seek to become one with the Great Spirit should take Purification of their spirit very seriously. The Great Spirit will speak to you in your hearts, if you listen. Those who listen will know what to do as inner guidance and strength are given to them.

Those of Pure hearts can stand against all arrows launched by those of Darkness. Be not afraid. The Power of the Great Spirit is infinitely greater than the limited power of the Shadows.

Kalou Whatu Sokar Ta-hi-too Si!

The Protective Spirit of the Infinite Mother-Father Creator surrounds Its children.

Nara — White Buffalo Calf Woman

Darrel Whitewolf's Response to the Offending Letter:

For the misguided ones from the darkness of the underworld. Dear ones. You are healed and forgiven. You are free from the Earth's vibration, Free from pain and suffering.

You are filled with Eagle Spirit Love and Eagle Spirit Light.

I call upon my own Eagle Spirit, to lift you to your own higher nature.

Go in peace dear ones and know that you are Loved. And so it is.

Aho, Darrel Whitewolf

The Offending Letter Sent to Darrel Whitewolf and Others

A Message from the Thunderbeings and the Black Jaguar

Over the last several years, there has been a joining of the Spiritual Medicines {Powers} of the Northern tribes {North America, the Eagle} and those of the South {South America, the Condor}.

The traditional Elders from both continents have met as was prophesied long ago. There have been concerns expressed by the Elders of both continents about the misuse of the Spiritual Medicines {power} intended to heal and assist the people. These Medicines have been "acquired" by non traditional means and in many cases stolen, then misused for selfish gain by many individuals. The problem has become epidemic in the past few years. As the spiritual need and hunger of the world grows so has both the use and abuse of the Sacred Medicines of our Ancestors.

It should be known and understood that there are Entities who's [sic] soul purpose is the protection of the Sacred Ceremonies and Rites that have been guarded for centuries, held in trust for the benefit of the people, not for the benefit of a few. In the south, the entity is that of the Black Jaguar, in the north it is the Thunderbeings. The Jaguar carries the sun in it's mouth every night through the underworld, releasing it into the talons of the eagle or condor in the morning, to be carried through the sky until it is returned to the Jaguar in the evening.

There are times when the sacred Black Jaguar does the same thing in the spirit realm, the realm of the souls and hearts of humans. It comes to those who have learned the Medicine and shines the sun's light into their hearts. It reveiles [sic] to that person any areas of darkness in their soul...and we all have some. It is then up to the individual as to what actions they will do to correct those areas of negativity that are revealed.

If they refuse to humble themselves and acknowledge their need to "clean up", then the Jaguar will allow the whole world to see the darkness they hide. This brings about the just consequences of their choices. The consequences may come upon them individually, but in most cases it will come onto those they love. It is up to you and how you react when the Light of the Sun, held in the mouth of the Jaguar, shines into the darkest hidden parts of your heart and life.

Likewise the Thunders come flying into an area seeking any who claim to carry Medicine. In the natural cycle, they sleep during the winter and awake in the spring. They fly forth and the wind from their wings join the blowing breath of the Great White Giant of the north to blow away the dead debris of the cold dark time that has just passed. The wind blows away all that is dead and weak that has accumulated over the time of darkness and sleep, making room for the fresh new growth that will nourish and replenish the world. The Thunders will continue to go about bringing the rains and the lightening without which nothing would grow or renew.

Will you receive the rain or the lightning? Will you become new growth or nutrition for the roots of the new growth? It is up to you. This is what the Thunders have to say to all who practice the Sacred Ways of these continents.

"If you are true and good in what you do, you have nothing to fear. When we come to you, you have only to take a good look at your heart and see what we reveal. If you find that what lies hidden in your heart is not true and good, according to our view, not your own, then you have a chance to make things right, before we do it for you".

Recently there was a ceremony done in the north using the War Pipe of the north to call the Thunderbeings to come out of the time of sleep. The War Pipe was used because the abusers of the Medicine Ways have not headed the warnings of the Traditional Elders. It is now unfortunately necessary to go to war to protect what has been left in their care and trust.

Being that this is a spiritual war, it will be carried out by the spirits, a much more fearful adversary that any of flesh and blood.

The Thunders have been sleeping for many years as the people they cared for were almost destroyed. But they are awake and have been summoned to come forth into this land to seek out all those who practice the Sacred Medicine. They are bringing back the Medicine of the ceremonies. They are bringing back the Pipe, the Sweat lodge, the sacred dances, and more. They are now watching to see what is being done and preparing their warning as well as the actions they will take should this warning go unheeded.

Most of the ones who are practicing the Medicine in improper ways already have been warned. The Thunders come to discipline in hopes of bringing about good change, but if the disciplines are not headed they are zealous in removing those who would distort the resurrection of the Medicine Ways.

It is far too important that the Medicine comes forth uncontaminated in order to bring us all through the times of transition we are already in.

I advise you to align yourself with the Thunders instead of opposing what they are destined to do. You will not win against them, and no one will go unnoticed. So now, look into your heart and ask to have eyes to see what the Jaguar is exposing. Ask to have the courage and humility to change voluntarily before you are changed by the Thunders.

You have been warned once.

Please note that anyone who claims to be the author of this statement is a liar. There are always those who try to attach themselves to something in order to get some kind of recognition. I who write this will not put a claim to it. If anyone does, they have been warned, I pity their loved ones.


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