Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Clock Winds Down

The Clock Winds Down


Amitakh Stanford

(republished from the Nara site)

31st December 2005

What I wish to say to you saddens me. What saddens me most is that many True-Light beings have been lost to Darkness. They will not be coming Home. When motion ceases, the Illusion falls, and Matter ceases, the many True-Light beings who have been seduced by Darkness, like the artificial consciousnesses of the False-Light creation, will cease to exist. The times ahead will be difficult for all beings. It is a time to persevere and hold onto the Will.

These are some things I wish to say to you:

The Giant Turtle cometh in a set of three tides.
The first tide will push the Giant Turtle over the mountains.
The second tide shall lay the land bare.
The third tide shall carry the Giant Turtle back to Its homeland.

A ferocious heat wave will surge around the planet with tremendous intensity.
The glacial ice will melt and flood many lands.
Many will perish.
Many will despair and wish to be no more.

Running on empty - the clock winds down.
Panic will set in - chaos will abound.

Review the past year - the jokers will fail to laugh in 2006.
The Grim is come, the tears will flow.
Humankind, O humankind - will wail with woe.

The years ahead are full of what will come.
Who will survive them?
Only some. Only some.

The great wave cometh - the pestilence too.
What grim, what grim.
The tears will flow.

. . . courage, courage . . .

The cycles of five are running now. 
Subtle shadows will soon be dramatically separated.

Strengthen your Will.
Soon, the Illusion of Matter will disintegrate.
Those of Matter will cease to be.
The faithfuls of the True-Light will be separated from those of Matter.

Children of the True-Light, let your Creator guide you Home.
The Divine Mother awaits you.

© 2005 Amitakh Stanford & AHSAF

Xee-A Twelve Home Page

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