Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Negative Numbers and Other Frauds

Negative Numbers and Other Frauds


Steffan Stanford

Did you ever have uneasiness with mathematics?  Did the process ever make you feel a bit queasy in the stomach?  I certainly had those experiences as I advanced down the road of the maths.  While I could readily do all the work that was assigned in arithmetic, algebra and geometry and I could also get the acceptable answers easily enough, there were just some applications that made me feel quite uncomfortable.

As I began learning arithmetic, things were fine.  The function of addition was quite easy to conceive: If you have 3 apples in a bowl and you add 3 apples to the bowl, there are 6 apples.  I could even count things like this out on my fingers whenever I needed reassurance of the accuracy of my solutions to the equations.  And, I easily whizzed through subtraction by simply reversing the process of addition.  So far, my stomach was in good shape.

It was then that multiplication was introduced to me, which tables I readily memorized and applied, again getting the acceptable answers while pleasing my teachers.  And, thereafter, division was shown me, which was just the reversal of multiplication, so I simply learned how to operate the multiplication tables in reverse and I was able to perform the function of division in an acceptable manner, except, the instructors forced a "rule" down my throat that I dutifully memorized and remembered, but it never set too well in my stomach.

The rule I was troubled by is that:  it is impossible to divide by zero.  As I worked through this rule, my stomach became queasier and queasier.  The basis for the rule, I was told by all who I asked, is that zero represents nothing, and if you divide nothing into something, the solution to the equation would be infinity because it would take an infinite number of nothings to amount to something.  Does this sound a bit tautological to you?  It did to me.

As I pondered how many nothings it would take to amount to something, my mind began delving into metaphysical concepts.  I eventually concluded that nothing could be infinite in this world or the physical universe — otherwise it would be possible to divide by zero.  After scratching my head several times on many occasions, I finally just applied the rule and overrode my intuition that made my stomach turn somersaults.

My adventures into the maths then continued, and when I had nearly forgotten how uncomfortable I was at trying to solve the riddle of infinity and division by zero, my instructors began throwing out more servings of rubbish in the form of "rules" and other concepts.  The most annoying of these supposed concepts was negative numbers, after which, came rule upon rule of unmitigated rubbish to substantiate the bizarre concept.

Many scientists and academics refer to mathematics as a "pure" science.  For them, negative numbers are pure.  "Pure" in this sense does begin to approach Purity from a Pure dimension.  Pure in this sense is merely a term for the discipline of mathematics to indicate that it is supposedly based upon "truth".  In this physical realm, there is no Purity, nor are mathematics pure.

Many years after I had "learned" many of the absurd rules about negative numbers, I was doing some research on mathematical formulae when Amitakh mentioned to me that mathematics in this realm are quite flawed and very different from the mathematics of purer dimensions.  This was the insight that I needed to help me be rid of the queasiness in my stomach that so many mathematical operations have caused me to feel.  As I delved deeper into her wise advice, I came away quite assured that mathematics in this dimension is seriously flawed, and in some areas, altogether fraudulent.

Geometry was relatively accurate and somewhat honest.  However, much of the honesty in geometry was forced upon the mathematicians.  It only occurred because geometry involved measuring and defining tangible solid shapes.  This has a tendency to discourage mathematicians from fudging matters since there are readily available methods of testing various theorems by physically measuring the shape in question.  But even the forced "honesty" of Euclidean geometry has some serious problems because one of its foundational concepts is the premise that parallel lines are lines that will go on forever and never meet.  This would perhaps be true in an infinite universe, but, in a finite one, all lines will be forced to curve at some time, hence lines cannot go on forever.  This fact has forced a lot of fudging in geometry.

Pythagoras was an early mathematician who developed several useful formulae that are still applied today.  However, he was much more than a mathematician, he was the Divine Amoeba incarnated.  Pythagoras was interested in the metaphysical characteristics of numbers, and realized that various numbers have differing properties.  His studies regarding the properties of numbers have been a great benefit to modern numerologists.  In the late nineteenth century, it was becoming public knowledge that the properties of numbers in this physical realm were based on nine different vibrations, hence ordered from one to nine.  Prior to that time, it was only in secretive, esoteric circles that such things were discussed.

Pythagoras did a great deal of work with geometry, and it is the Pythagorean theorem that allows accurate measurements of triangles.  While working on shapes, he discerned that the few symmetrical solids in the physical world had some very interesting properties.  He observed that most of the angles created in symmetrical shapes, the cube being excepted, were easy or soft angles.  He determined that tetrahedrons and spheres were very effective at protecting people who wished to meditate and free themselves temporarily from the "roar" of the physical world and enter into a world of "silence".

Subsequently, Plato concluded that the sphere was the most perfect of shapes in this realm.  One of the reasons was that it offered the most protection to those who surrounded themselves with a sphere.

Astrologers have long known about many of the properties and effects resulting from angles and aspects caused by relative locations of various celestial bodies.  They are quite capable of making predictions based upon aspects, knowing full well that when planets are at 30, 60 or 120 degree aspects, that easier times are ahead, and when they are at 45, 90 or 180 degree aspects, that difficulties can transpire.

It is obvious to see that architects and planners of this physical world have tended to use the difficult aspects in designing buildings, towns and roads.  Most houses are comprised of a multitude of 90 degree angles, which in turn attract the more difficult energies.  Were the standard building design a hexagon, things would be much easier for everyone in this world.

What has developed from Pythagoras's groundbreaking study into the properties of numbers is the discipline known today as numerology.  The basic premise of numerology is that numbers have individual vibrations and characteristics and that there are only 9 different numbers.  That is, all numbers can be reduced to a single-digit number.  There are a few exceptions, such as 11 and 22 that are often not reduced to a single digit, but for the most part, numerologists reduce all numbers to single digits of one to nine.

In Euclidean geometry and numerology, the lowest number is zero, which is not really a number, but actually a representation of a non-number or a nothing.  Nothing was the smallest thing that was considered, but all that was to change as fraud became the order of the day and the "rule" of mathematics.

From geometry evolved the "science" of algebra, which is a part of mathematics that employs letters as substitutes for numbers in an effort to solve unknown portions of equations.  When mathematicians began switching letters for numbers, they had a free licence to contrive and invent at will.  Nobody cared whether the concepts used were absurd or fraudulent, so long as the mathematicians could get acceptable and answers with precision.

With this new-found freedom the big lies such as the theory of parallel lines in Euclidean geometry became much, much larger in algebra and other forms of mathematics.  Mathematicians even dared to label one of these fraudulent concepts as "imaginary numbers", which should have put everyone on notice of something being skewed to the side of fraudulence.  And, of course, there were negative numbers too.

You might wonder what purpose negative numbers serve.  You might even wonder what they are.  All our lives we have been indoctrinated to the belief that negative numbers exist and have been trained with various formulae to make them work in this world — this indoctrination came from our teachers at school.  We have been shown the location of negative numbers on continuum lines, have been shown how to count backwards and forwards with them, how to multiply and divide with them, how to plug them into equations &c.  But, are they real — or are they an illusion?

We have been given absurd rules to apply to this weird concept, such as: a negative number multiplied by a negative number equals a positive number.  How can it be that a negative number, which by the definition mathematicians have given us, is less than zero, when multiplied by another number that is less than zero, become a positive number?  It has to be pure, unadulterated nonsense.

As stated earlier, 3 + 3 = 6.  Counting it out on your fingers can prove the accuracy of the equation.  We can see apples and oranges in clusters of 3 or 6.  It is reasonably easy to visualize the concept of addition of positive numbers.  But, despite what all our algebra teachers have instructed about negative numbers, when we try to add 3 apples to a pile consisting of a (-3) apples, things do not work out so simply.  I get a queasy feeling in my stomach every time I try to work with negative numbers.  It makes me quite uneasy to think that my bowl containing 3 apples will be swept off into a vortex and lost forever if I were to add them to a pile containing a minus 3 apples, yet the pile of 3 apples would remain intact if I were to place them into an empty container.

The mystery of where the 3 apples would travel absolutely baffles me.  And, yet, it would be a rare mathematician who would concede that negative numbers are an illusion.  The mathematicians don't care if the rules and concepts they employ are idiotic as long as they can arrive at precise answers time after time.  In other words, they know full well that negative numbers are fraudulent, but, since they are useful tools, they are happy to continue with the illusion.

To my way of thinking, the smallest number of anything would have to be zero.  When there are no apples on the plate, it is empty.  It would take a strange metaphysical phenomenon indeed to allow me to place 3 apples on the plate and watch them vanish.  Since when did the sceptical people of science allow such portals that consume apples to be considered "normal" behaviour?  This is not to say that such portals cannot exist, but it is to say that such portals could not be called upon to operate in a totally predictable manner each and every time someone placed a hyphen before a number converting it from a positive number, or something, into a negative number, or a weird thing that is less than nothing.

We have heard all our lives that minus times a minus equals a plus.  Alice would remark, "Curiouser and curiouser."  But, we have been told the lie so many times, that we accept it blindly as true.

Even spreadsheets are designed to perpetuate the lie.  Try any of these calculations in Excel or Lotus and you will discover that either the programmers are ignorant or are intentionally perpetuating the lie.

The note of "A" vibrates at 440 Hz.  Following the theory of negative numbers, if you were to play an A and a negative A (-440 Hz) simultaneously, they should cancel one another and you would hear nothing.  You might think this is true if you have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the rules about negative numbers.  However, the two will not cancel each other because there is no way of reproducing a negative Hz.

Negative numbers are an illusion, but they allow scientists to happily "solve" problems.  Negative numbers were invented by a Hindu mathematician whose ruler wanted to go to war and the coffers were empty.  In order to fund a war with no money, the mathematician invented deficit spending and negative numbers.  From that immoral beginning, the fraud of negative numbers has been perpetuated.

Would anyone like a dustpan to collect these negative numbers and dispose of them properly?  Worry not; it is being done at this time as the entire physical realm is crumbling under Our Divine Mother's Plan, and as the putrid realm crumbles, its impure and filthy mathematics will be swept into a proper receptacle along with it.

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